Czytam ostatnio "A Voyage to Arcturus" i to że znalazłem tam opis nieznanych na Ziemii kolorów (które pojawiają się np. w Carcosie) jest chyba niezłym pretekstem do odświeżenia bloga (lepszym niż posty o Ambiencie 2012, Offie, Unsoundzie albo Venetian Snares, które chyba podzielą los tekstu o Ambiencie 2011, i zdecydowanie lepszym niż narzekanie na to, że blogspot ma teraz równie chujowy edytor co wordpress). A więc!
Another remarkable plant was a large, feathery ball, resembling a dandelion fruit, which they encountered sailing through the air. Joiwind caught it with an exceedingly graceful movement of her arm, and showed it to Maskull. It had roots and presumably lived in the air and fed on chemical constituents of the atmosphere. But what was peculiar about it was its colour. It was an entirely new colour - not a new shade or combination, but a new primary colour, as vivid as blue, red, or yellow, but quite different. When he inquired, she told him that it was known as "ulfire". Presently he met a second new colour. This she designated "jale". The sense impressions caused in Maskull by these two additional primary colors can only be vaguely hinted at by analogy. Just as blue is delicate and mysterious, yellow clear and unsubtle, and red sanguine and passionate, so he felt ulfire to be wild and painful, and jale dreamlike, feverish, and voluptuous.
David Lindsay "A Voyage to Arcturus", 2005, Dover Publications, s. 40.
Wow, trochę mi zajęło dokończenie tej książki. Jest i dolm:
OdpowiedzUsuń"Maskull could not name the colour of his skin, but it seemed to stand in the same relation to jale as green to red" (s. 202)
" "What do you call the colour of your skin, Haunte, as I saw it in daylight? It struck me as strange."
"Dolm," said Haunte.
"A compound of ulfire and blue," explained Corpang.
"Now I know. These colours are puzzling for a stranger."
"What colours have you in your world?" asked Corpang.
"Only three primary ones, but here you seem to have five, though how it comes about I can't imagine."
"There are two sets of three primary colours here," said Corpang, "but as one of the colours—blue—is identical in both sets, altogether there are five primary colours."
"Why two sets?"
"Produced by the two suns. Branchspell produces blue, yellow, and red; Alppain, ulfire, blue, and jale."
"It's remarkable that explanation has never occurred to me before."
"So here you have another illustration of the necessary trinity of nature. Blue is existence. It is darkness seen through light; a contrasting of existence and nothingness. Yellow is relation. In yellow light we see the relation of objects in the clearest way. Red is feeling. When we see red, we are thrown back on our personal feelings.... As regards the Alppain colours, blue stands in the middle and is therefore not existence, but relation. Ulfire is existence; so it must be a different sort of existence."
Haunte yawned. "There are marvellous philosophers in your underground hole."
p. 212